Sunday, August 29, 2010


Joshua and I got up at 1:45 am after about three hours of sleep to drive the 13.5 hours home. Which since I don't drive stick and I was sick Joshua did the whole thing! Usually i always stay up when Joshua was driving but this time I left on my Pj's and put my seat all the way back and got out my sleeping bag! I had a hard time sleeping but got a few hours off and on. At one point we almost hit a bird and that scarred both of us but other then that it was a pretty uneventful drive home just very very long.

When I got home I went and got out my precious pup and he was so excited to see us he peed in three different spots in the driveway while running and jumping around.

Joshua and I had such a blast traveling and seeing family and friends. We thank you all who were praying for us and checking in! It is nice to be home and back in the routine but I will sure miss traveling the country.

                                                                home sweet home

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