Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 26: Arizona

Today we had the pleasure of sleeping in after a few days of getting up for sunrise. When we did get up Grandma took us to breakfast at the Village inn because they have free wireless there and we needed to catch up on some posts. We stayed their for a few hours visiting and using the internet. After breakfast we spent the afternoon walking and shopping. Grandma wanted to get an exercise ball to sit on at her computer. I told her I do at work and it is great! The first one we got was too small so we had to go back and get the larger size so she could reach her computer. At her house we spent some time on the computer looking up Joshua's genealogy. For dinner we went to Applebee's and enjoyed talking about old memories. After dinner we played Yahtzee at the house and Grandma found old scores sheets with peoples names on the from about 30 years ago. It was really great getting to spend time with her.

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