Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 22 Kansas to Colorado

Well, the day started with bagels and bananas. Not the same as the biscuits and gravy at the previous hotel, but plenty to get the day started:) We gave hugs to dad, thanked him for the wonderful time in Kansas, and hit the road early. Aiming for Colorado, we hoped to have a successful venture to an actual campground again. The accommodations of hotels have been nice, but Allison and I were both yearning for a good night camping. On the way towards Denver, we broke up the monotony of the driving when I pulled over to take a picture of us on a hay bail. I had been driving for the first 7,000 miles or so, and convinced Allison she should give the manual a try to learn driving stick. The last time she tried was when we were dating, and it was an experience...but a joyful one. It lasted for about 2 minutes before Allison was about at a breaking point and asked me to at least shift for her. That turned out to be a good idea to start her out, and she drove for about the next hour on the freeway. I think that's about all she desires to get in driving for now.
Eventually, we did make it to the Denver area of Colorado, to a popular campground in the vicinity called Cherry Creek. What a blessing to be there. The weather was nice, the rain was gone, and the campground was very nice. We went for a stroll through some trails for a couple of hours and settled back in the campsite to enjoy some fire-roasted hot dogs and hot vegetables. Oh, wonderful camp food. The campground was everything we could hope for and more and was a perfect end to another day on the road.

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