Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 34 Lake Tahoe

My older sister Krista and her husband Michael have turned into hiking Machines so they picked out another hike for today. We decided to drop one car at the base on the hike today and drive to the top so that we only had to hike one way. It was going to be a 4.5 mile hike and we had afternoon plans so we did not want to hike all the way back.

We were hiking along the ridge of Lake Tahoe and the waters were VERY clear and beautiful. I wish I had my swim suit!

It took Willie several tries to get this photo because he kept having to climb on a rock and set up the camera and then jump down and run over. Unfortunately he is in the shade :(

Tristan got pretty tired on the hike and took a nap but made sure to keep a grip on Willies tripod. He was actually pretty funny about his backpack carrier. He did not want to be in there at first but after about a mile he settled in and did not ask to walk any more!               

The problem with this hike is they do not label the trails very well there. My sister kept assuring us that the parking lot was somewhere before we would at a old house. So when we arrived there we were a bit confused where to go next and there were not any signs. We knew we had hiked more then 4 miles and still had to make it up to the parking lot. We continued on our trail until we realized we were almost at a campground that we knew was about .5 miles down the road from the parking lot. We turned around and started asking people and finally found out we had to go back to the house and go straight up a small service road for about a mile. The bad news for me is that Joshua took off running up the hill so he could go to the lower parking lot and drive up to get us to save time... unfortunately he did not know my inhaler was in his backpack. So I spent a long mile uphill hike wheezing and being pathetic but I made it!!!! And of course when i got to the top I remembered that I had felt a little sick that morning so I had cough drops in my pocket... which I would have remembered that have a mile earlier. The methanol cleared me up in no time! We think we ended up hiking about 6 miles. It sure was beautiful views though.

On our way home we stopped at an awesome burger joint for lunch! They serve you HUGE burgers and   plates of fries. We got garlic fries and pesto fries yummy. We all ate WAY to much but it sure was good.

We met up with my mom and aunt Becky and Lexi to go up to Skaw Valley where they had the winter Olympics years ago. 

    Tristan was very excited to ride the gondola and so were we......................................


At the top we looked around and went in the Olympic Museum. 

My Aunt Becky and Lexi went in the pool up there but I thought it was a bit to cold and windy. 

The best story of the day was when we were getting ready to leave. Tristan was running on the gravel and fell and cut his hand an knee. We were trying to catch the gondola so Michael picked him up and carried him while he screamed. When we got in line Tristan could have calmed down but was still upset. So we were standing there looking at a full car of people while Tristan screamed his head off. Michael and Krista tried to reason with him and give him choices. they explained we could either stop crying and ride the car on we needed to wait for the next one. Well my precious nephew decided to say in the most whinny voice...."I wanted to cry in the car going down" and then continue with screaming. That got several laughs from the people already inside the car and made it clear we would be waiting 20 min for the next one to come. Another awesome day on the Meeks Road trip.

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