Monday, August 9, 2010

Dat 23 Colorado to Utah

We had a great night sleep camping for once the cooler temperatures was a nice break. We took off through the Mountains of Colorado. They were absolutely beautiful to look at. We stopped in a cute mining town and ate breakfast by the river. We enjoyed looking at the houses in Vail. A lot of millionaires living there! We continued accross the country and stopped at Colorado National Monument Park. They said that it took about an hour to drive through so we thought we would try that out. Well Joshua liked the rock towers so much it took us two hours! At one point he started doing spins in excitement and ran right into a prickly try and ripped a small hole in his shirt! I could not stop laughing. We saw this neat cave in the wall and tried to walk into that but it was so dark I got afraid of what...or who might be living back there. We took a ton of pictures and enjoyed God's beautiful creation. We continued into Utah to Arches National Park. We checked into our campground in the park which was amazing. Our campsite was amidst all these huge amazing rocks that you can climb up on and enjoy the valley. We decided we wanted to see as many Arches as we could so we tackled a 5 mile hike to view 5 arches. We were trying to complete it by sunset so we were walking quick. We did see al of them and marveled at the amazing heights we could stand at and look for miles into the valley. Absolutely breathtaking. The sun did set when we were at the furthest point and we decided we better head back because we were losing light. Unfortunately the path was marked with little rock piles to direct your way over large rocks. Well we some how accidentally lost or way and were headed in the right direction but on the wrong rock cliff. Well a blessing from God this man came running on the rock ridge above us and let us know we were walking the wrong way away from the path and the rock we were on was going to drop into a huge valley that we would not have been able to get across. He directed us back the right way. Praise God. We made it back safely to camp in the dark and saw that our tent was in the bushes and behind the picnic table. Our neighbors came back and said it was so windy our tent blew away and they had moved it to protect it.

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