Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 33 Lake Tahoe

Today was a wonderful day. In the morning we walked to a local coffee shop and spent a little time there. Then we went to look at some shops for inner tubes. We passed an art gallery that had a painting of a close up of several children's books on a book shelf. I thought it was so cute and may replicate it with a picture for a future kids room decoration. We were unsuccessful at finding inner tubes that were a reasonable price so Joshua called tire shops and found a place selling them cheap Yay! My sisters, Willie, Lexi, and my Aunt Becky went with Joshua and I to float a river. It was a two and a half hour float and very relaxing. The end of it had a part with a lot of rapids and rocks and I felt out of my league being in a small black tube. As I was going down the rapids as I watched a girl in front of me wipe out.... but we all made it! Joshua and I went back to the condo and made enchiladas for the family and we celebrated Michael and Joshua's birthday. Tristan wanted to help blow out the candles. We ended the night with a family game! 

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