Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 29 Celebrate Recovery day two

I forgot to mention yesterday the campus of the Saddleback church is the craziest thing I have ever seen. It has like 5 parking lots, trams, huge tents, special youth rooms and beautiful landscaping everywhere. For the teen room they have an amazing building that has a gym, a coffee shop, and a theater all decorated in a modern way. Also the outside of it has a built in skate park around a rock wall. The best part was this huge rock wall that had a waterfall coming down it and a huge pool of water and they created a sandy beach. They also had an outdoor stage for concerts... crazy!!! For the elementary rooms they had the reef for one level which was a floor decorated with aquariums and fish stuff, the next floor was decorated with extreme sports and the last level had a train car in there and was decorated in a glamourous Hollywood way for the kids. It all seemed like such a neat place to bring your kids... They have beautiful rock walkways and buildings all around campus and two baptismal water pools. Ok back to the conference. So we went to more main sessions about the seven keys of the program and heard from many of the directors of CR. It was awesome to learn a lot of ideas of how to run our program better at home. For our workshops today Joshua and I went to the same one's... Maintaining momentum and the Landing. We really enjoyed both. In maintaining momentum we learned how to help our leaders not fill burned out and how to evaluate our program and overcome barriers. The Landing was the brand new 52 week teen program! We got to see some videos examples and hear about how they developed the program to be very hands on and engage the students! We met with our other leader Ryan and asked if he thought we should run that in the fall and he agreed we should. Pastor Adam gave us approval to purchase it we are so excited! That evening all the leaders went to the CLaim Jumper for dinner and to celebrate Joshua's birthday. It was so awesome to spend time with them and hear about what they were learning at the conference. Also to just get to know them since we do not spend much times with the leaders of CR at our church! We all ate way too much and of course even though I told everyone I had ordered a huge eclair for Joshua's birthday two other people ordered desert and the restaurant gave us a HUGE piece of Cake because one of the leaders steak was bad. So everyone went home with a stomach ache... It was a great bonding time.

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