Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 25 Grand Canyon to Mesa Arizona

We started out the day with another dark morning. We got up at 4:30 to catch the 5:15 shuttle out to the south rim view points of the Grand Canyon. We had read that there was going to be a sunrise church service at the last stop at 6:30 and we wanted to watch the sunrise and make it there. We arrived at our view point about 20 min before sunrise and waited. Unfortunately a cluster of clouds rolled in and blocked the sun from really shining so it was not the pictures we were hoping for but it was still fun to be up at that time. We caught the next shuttle to the last stop, but nobody was there for the church service. We walked around for about 15 min trying to find church. We could not find it anywhere and did not see one person. We are not sure what went wrong there. We decided from there to walk down a mile trail along the Grand Canyon rim to the next shuttle stop and catch a ride back to camp from there. When we got back to the parking lot we saw three Elk that were 12 point, so Joshua carefully approached them to get some great pictures. After packing up camp, we left Grand Canyon and headed on our way to Grandma's house. We drove through the beautiful Red Rock Mountains in Sedona and visited a church that was built into the mountain around the 1950's. Also we stopped at Montezuma's castle where we could look at houses built into the walls from 100's of years ago. It was very neat. We arrived at my Grandma's, enjoyed a swim in her pool, and then went out to dinner. After dinner we went over to my cousin Abby's house and were able to meet her husband Eric and their baby Avery. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures at Abby's. It was great to see my family after so many years.

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