Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 35 Lake Tahoe

Today we decided to go to visit some wineries and fruit farms and have a picnic lunch. Another activity that my sister had researched and found. It was about an hour drive out into the country but we got see seem some beautiful property. My favorite spot was where we had a picnic lunch. The grounds were very pretty and they were preparing for a wedding that weekend.

They had this darling sign posted

After lunch while some of our family was doing tastings Joshua and I played with Tristan. He decided it would be fun to run up to Joshua and push him down and make this growling noise. Well the first time Joshua dropped to the ground really quick which made Tristan fall on top of him. After that every time Tristan would just run and jump in the air and fall on top of Joshua while he pushed him. He was having so much fun it was a joy to watch.

After we left there we went to a fruit farm and picked up a huge basket of Jalapeno's for 50 cents! And we got dressing and marinades! Yummy.

At the last winery Joshua found this great garlic olive oil for dipping! We got a lot of great things today!

When we got back to the condo I realized I did not feel good so I decided that even though I wanted to stay up and play games I had better go to bed. So I turned in at 7 pm :( while Joshua stayed up and had fun. 

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