Monday, August 2, 2010

Day guessed it, still Florida:)

We accidently said the wrong day again. Sorry

So the day started with us waking up in the recreation room of the Collier-Seminole State Park. We made it through the night, in almost 100 degree weather. I had blocked off the drain holes in the rec room and the cracks beneath the screen doors with the books made available by the park and with most of the bugs blocked out of the screen room, we managed to get an alright night of sleep. We woke up and were out before sunrise. Allison and I drove for about five hours before we made it to Devil’s Mill Hopper State Park- well worth the drive. Devil’s Mill is a large sinkhole, which was formed in at least two stages and created an isolated environment of a protected sunken rainforest. We saw some trippy-colored lizards and a lot of cool plants. Just a few minutes into our hike, descending into the sinkhole, the rain had started and by the time we made it to the heart of it, there was a full-on rain shower. It turned out to be a pretty fun experience, but we came back to the car pretty soaked in rain and sweat. From there we drove another few hours to get to another state park called Falling Waters- and oh were the waters falling. We had just set up camp, went to the bathroom, and were preparing to go for a walk to see the white sand lake and the waterfall, when the thunderstorm came to climax. The thunder was cracking, the lightning was lighting up the sky, and the rain was like a waterfall in the campsite. When we came back from the bathroom, we realized a large tree branch had been blown from a tree and struck our tent, putting a hole in our tent fly and bending our a tent pole. In a scurry we quickly dismantled the tent and crammed everything back in the car, but not before we were drenched again with all of our luggage and gear this time. The camp-host was understanding and let us get a refund. We ended up staying in a Travelodge, and got a better night of sleep than the previous night.

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