Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 28: California Celebrate Recovery Conference

Today we had the privilege of attending the Celebrate Recovery Conference with 11 leaders from Life Hurts God HEals and Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback church. When we got there we were worshiping and Pastor Rick Warren came up and greeted Joshua and I and gave us hugs! WE ARE FAMOUS :) Haha but seriously he is a big deal and actually has two security guys with him but seems like a very humble guy. He gave the opening message and it was nice to hear how much he supports the recovery programs and how vital he believe they are to the church. The morning continued with other speakers talking about the history of CR and learned more about their Seven Keys to the program. it was so amazing to be in a room were 3000 other Celbrate Recovary leaders who are passionate about helping people see that Jesus can free them of their hurts habits and hangups. Joshua and I split up for our workshop. He went to Pathways to Leadership and I went to Prison Ministries. I was so blessed to be there. i got to hear from the directors from about 20 different states that run CR in prisons and the work they are acomplishing through taht. I also got to listen to the directors problem solve with many people in the workshop who were trying to start new programs it was awesome! Joshua learned more about training new leaders and current leaders and how to run a better program. I think the most exciting news was when we found out the have brand new curriculum for the teens. We have been using a 13 week curriculum and trying to adapt it to year long and they created a 52 week program with all the lessons and small group questions and videos! We are so excited to learn more about it at the workshop tomorrow. We met back with the other leaders and had dinner at the hotel. Joshua and I hung out in the pool and hot tub with our youth co-leader Ryan and went to sleep. Cant wait until day two of the conference.

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