Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 19: Florida to Alabama to Mississippi to Louisiana

* disclaimer. I was so tired when I wrote this I fell asleep three times and it took me an hour to get it done. When I looked at what I posted this morning I saw all my mistakes but I thought it was funny so I am leaving them :)

We finally left the state of Florida. We traveled through Alabama and Mississippi. We were surprised by how much water there was everywhere. The are we drove through Mississippi was a lot of bridges. When we got to Louisiana we decided to stop but New Orleans. We looked at a lot of different shops and buildings there and also ate lunch at an awesome restaurant. We had Alligator Tail. yummy. We got to spend some time touring a very old Catholic church there and I really enjoyed that. It was hard to get used to the houses and buildings in the French Quarter because they were all boarded up and protected with extra doors. We left after about two hours and headed up towards Alexandria. We crossed one bridge that was 15 miles long in this swamping part of Louisiana. It was so cool. When we got our campground we found out that the pool had closed that day and the lake was actually a swamp. In addition to all that it was over 100 degrees. So we took some pictures and then headed out to a motel. Oh happy air conditioning.

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