Monday, October 22, 2012

Judah's first week!

Heading to the hospital


On Tuesday I went into labor with my son. Joshua and I really wanted him to come early but it started on his due date. I went for a walk with Kaaryn in the afternoon, went to my doctors appointment, ate 5 star curry and started contractions 30 min later. Joshua and I were afraid that it would be false labor or stop so I walked around the house and neighborhood for the next 4 hours and then we headed to the hospital. Unfortunately they were very full when we got there. The front desk told us the baby center asked them if a bus of pregnant women had showed up because I was the 6th in a row. Because of the busyness I got left in a cold room by myself (with Joshua) and strapped to some machines so I could not get up and move. This slowed down my contractions and after an hour they sent me home :(


But that didn't last long because when we got home my contractions picked back up. Joshua got some sleep and when he woke up an hour and a half later and found me in the chair delirious, moaning, and sick he put me back in the car.

When we got back to the hospital they checked me and discovered my contractions were about 2-3 min apart. They got me all set up and within 2 hours it was time to push. After two hours of pushing my Son was born. He had to come out side ways of course to keep it interesting. He was born at 9:37am 20.2 inches and 7.6 lbs. Joshua got to cut his cord right away which caused him to get teared up and was fun to see. We are so excited Judah is here.






















Judah passed all his tests at the hospital except the hearing test (100% in one ear and 90% in the other) so we get to go home today. We have to come back in two weeks to redo the hearing test once the fluid in his ear is dried up. At home we got settled in and ready to adjust to newborn life. Judah and his cousin Mia finally got to meet! What surprised me the most is when it was time for bed we had so much stuff we had to haul from downstairs to upstairs. Speaking of night time, that is the least pleasant time for us. In the womb Judah was a nighttime sleeper but now he stays up from his dinner time nap all the way until 3am. We have got to figure out how to break that pattern.


Judah got some visitors today! My friend Savanna who is expecting twins herself and my cousin and his wife. Lucky for them he was happy and asleep when they were over and then stayed up half the night again. All of us are getting very tired staying up all night so we took a family nap! The dogs are doing great with him. Echo is very protective and wants to know where Judah is at all times. He will run around to the pack and play, car seat, couch, etc until he finds him.


 Today was going to be Judahs 1st bath at home. However it ended up going differently then planned. Joshua was changing Judah when he got his first experience with Judah peeing while the diaper was off. Joshua picked up our naked pee-soaked baby and told me to get the bath stuff ready. Unfortunately everything was still in packaging and had tags on it. So I ran around frantically while Judah cried and Kaaryn laughed a us. We finally got him in the bath and figured it out from there. Of course we have no pics because the whole thing was rushed. I look forward to him umbilical cord coming off so we can put him in the shower!

                               Hanging out with daddy


Judah's newborn pictures! My friend Katie blessed us with the pictures for free as my baby shower present I am so excited to get them. It was a long day because we wanted to keep Judah asleep for them so every time he woke up a little I fed him. I was exhausted when we got home. Here is a sneak peak video she created for us:

Sneak Peak at Judahs newborn photos

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