Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 21 Dallas-Oklahoma-Kansas

When we woke up Kelly made breakfast for us! She is so sweet. She made breakfast burritos for Joshua, Nate and herself and oatmeal for me since I can not eat eggs! After breakfast we hit the road and traveled through Oklahoma to Kansas. We did not make any stops in Oklahoma because we were in a hurry to get to Kansas. We met up with Joshua's dad for lunch and went to a Mexican place that is all you can eat to order. it is basically a buffet, but instead you order from a special menu as many items as you want! It was a great time of talking with Joshua's dad about all God has been doing in his life. After lunch we found a hotel and dad bargained with them to get a reduced price. Yay! We unloaded and went to Elk City to check out dad's new double wide he purchased in a small town. He is remodeling and then going to rent it. After there we went to the Elk City State park, had a picnic lunch and played games. It was a blast and the weather had cooled down to a bearable degree. We watched the most beautiful sunset. From there we headed over to Dad's friends house who had been struggling with cancer. Dad and pastor had been praying for him. He shared his testimony about how his cancer has stopped growing and that a legion he had has disappeared. It was great to hear how God had been working in his life in the last two weeks. We next traveled to the house dad had been staying at with Pastor and his wife. They were great people who welcomed us over and told us about what God had been doing in their lives and ministry. We had a great time in Kansas:)

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