Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day two Montana to Yellowstone

So we decided to stop by Butte, Montana on our way through and visit our brother in-law where he was working on location at Safeway. He was supposed to come with us to Yellowstone but they changed his schedule last minute. After that short stop on to Yellowstone. We came in the North entrance by Mammoth where there are always Elk sitting around. I had promised Joshua they would be there so I almost freaked out when we did not see them at first but sure enough they were there. Then we stopped and checked out the Mammoth Hot springs, first of many to see in yellowstone (the colors are beautiful!). We decided that even though we had a long day of driving and were tired we were going to take some hikes to Tower falls, Upper Yellowstone Falls, and Lower Yellowstone Falls. Much to our delight you can "hike" approx. a minute from the car and see outstanding views! So we took the lazy approach and went that way! (what Allison called the "sit and get" approach:) The falls were absolutely amazing. We also saw the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.... we will keep you posted if it compares to the real deal.... Lastly checked into our campground at Canyon and relaxed for the rest of the evening. We had an amazing day and are looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

  1. great photos! i love the one of j in front of the falls :)
