Friday, July 23, 2010

Day Seven: Indiana to Kentucky

I apologize, the bugs are SO loud in this video!! its kind of hilarious.

Finally a day of sleeping in oh glory! Joshua and I slept until 9am which was still only 8 hours because we got home so late the night before. We got up and headed on a drive to Ohio to see Joshua’s old buddy Chris. He lives on a big farm up there with lots of cute dogs. We hung out with him for a few hours and then were heading to Richmond Kentucky, which is another one of Joshua’s hometown. We had a campground near there and were very excited to get in early and relax. But then we found out another one of Joshua’s buddies was in a Kentucky county jail. Joshua gave them a call and they said if we made it by 8pm that night they would let Joshua visit him. We drove straight there for three hours and made it with 15 min to spare. Joshua was able to visit with his friend for an hour and a half and it was a blessing for both of them. We knew we could not make it back to our campground by the latest check in so we drove towards tomorrow’s destination until we found a motel. Finally at 11:30 we checked in and crashed. It ended up being an additional blessing because they had a fridge and we were able to put all our food in there and clean out the cooler! Great day with many blessings.

We have also begun to upload videos, starting with Day One if you would like to go back and see our video summaries:) We hope to upload the rest soon from our hotel in Florida!

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