Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Six: Missouri to Indiana

Another day up at 5am… this is getting rough. I once again hid while Joshua took down the tent. I cannot handle those daddy long legs. We also had another night of wind and lightening but slept ok. We drove across Missouri and headed over to Illinois. We were so excited to see the Mississippi River. We stopped in a little park just across the border in Illinois. We could see the Mark Twain themed town across the river and the steamboat. We could not believe how flooded the river was. It was all over the campground and in the trees. Joshua got a picture of a sign that said no parking that was about 50 feet into the water. It sure was very pretty there and I was surprised the water was warm. We continued driving all the way through Illinois. We were able to stop in Springfield and see Lincolns old house and all the other houses on his block restored to how they were when he lived there. That was really fun and we saw houses of people who helped with the Underground Railroad. After we made it through Illinois we drove into Indiana. We were staying that night in Lafayette Indiana where Joshua spent a few of his teenage years. He showed me his old house and many places him and his friends used to go. We were able to visit his old friend Brandon and his girlfriend Victoria and see their kids and also visit another friend Brandon and hear about how his life has changed in the last ten years. Joshua also took me over to the to a walking bridge in the college district that he scaled underneath when he was a kid. We had fun visiting his old buddies and seeing all the places he had told me stories about.

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