Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day Nine Tennessee to Georgia

We were back on track with getting up early. We headed out for Georgia at 6am. We were going to stop and buy some cereal for breakfast and instead decided to stop at the Cracker Barrel restaurant/store. These are a huge deal in the central states. We had been seeing signs all over for several states and could not resist anymore. Their breakfast was delicious and cheap, well worth the stop. We headed on to Georgia and really enjoyed passing buy the buildings in Atlanta. Also there are these hilarious billboards for chick-fil-a everywhere. We had read that Jonathan Acuff does advertising for them so he is probably behind those. There are models of cows hanging off them. We stopped for lunch a little south of Atlanta at a place called Noah’s ark. It is a huge park that rescues animals and cares for them. They have one area that houses a tiger, lion and bear who all live together because they had been together since cubs. We also saw a bunch of primates, bears, tigers, zebra, buffalo, ostrich, alligators, snakes, turtles, and peacocks. It was fun but unfortunately there was an extreme heat warning out for Georgia and it was VERY hot. They actually closed the park down right after we got there because of the heat.
We continued on driving to the bottom of Georgia and were keeping our fingers crossed that our campsite would actually have a open free pool. Luckily it did because it was so hot!! Joshua and I spent awhile in our camping chairs plugged into the outlet post in our campsite trying to upload videos before we got too hot and went to the pool. We stayed in for about an hour in a half until it was dark and then showered and tried to sleep in the tent. Joshua was way too hot so instead we got up and slept in the car until 2am ☺ Every time he woke up sweaty he would turn it on and run the air conditioning for a few min. We are VERY excited to have a hotel in Florida for a week!

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