Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Ten: Georgia to Florida

Today we were on to Florida where we get to stay for 7 nights whoohoo. My mom suggested that we stop in St Augustine in Florida because it is the oldest town in America and has the oldest house. We decided to take her advice and it was well worth it. We spent most of our time touring a old Spanish military base from the 1500's and did not have time to tour the oldest house, oldest school, museum, and old Catholic church but we did drive by and will definitely plan on going back. After being there we headed down to coco beach because joshua wanted to check out the Ron Johns surf shop there. You know your shop is a big deal when they have a live band playing in the store. We picked up a skin board and headed to Boca Raton. We checked into our motel which is way nicer then we were expecting so that was an awesome bonus and headed over to Joshua's sisters house. She made us dinner and we got to see all four of his siblings and his mom and aunt and our nieces and nephews. Another blessed day that we are so thankful to have had.

PS we have videos through day five posted now on the old post. Hopefully will have them all up soon. It takes about two hours per video to upload!

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