Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day Three Yellowstone to Keyhole Wyoming

Well yeehaw folks we have officially entered country town. So today Joshua and I got up at 5 am and hit the road. We were going to see Old Faithfull early. On our way over we saw a bison and elk on the side of the road as the sun rose! Awesome… but then we sadly saw the sign announcing the road we needed to take to Old Faithful was closed for constriction until 8am… great two hours to kill. So we checked out many different hot springs with lots of steam, sulfur and bubbling mud. Luckily when we arrived at Old Faithful we only had to wait 20 min for her to shoot off. Whoohoo. Then we headed across the long road out of Yellowstone. On our way we got to see a bear. I almost convinced Joshua that we did not need to stop because people were probably freaking out about a bison but then we did stop and the bear was over the ridge about 50 yards away! After leaving Yellowstone we drove through Beautiful Shoshone Forest and Buffalo Bill State Park. I (Allison) had my first experience peeing on the side of a road when we were driving on a very long overpass in the mountains. Right next to free roaming cows don’t you know… true road tripper right there J Also we experienced our first… and better be our last speeding ticket. Figures in a town of ten there would be a trooper hanging out.

After a long drive it was becoming clear we were not going to be to the campground until about 8:30 se we gave in and stopped for fast food… Did you know that KFC has a Buffet when you are in the country? No joke we walked in to a room full of cowboy hats and a long buffet line. So we stuffed ourselves, for the experience. We got into our site fine and set up just before dark and noticed gnarly clouds coming our way. As we were laying in the tent our rain tarp was blowing in the wind and rubbing against the tent. Somehow it made it sound like someone was unzipping the tent. I listened to that for about ten min before my mind had replayed every horror scene I had ever seen and I woke Joshua up in a panic. He listened for about thirty seconds before he was out of the tent with a flashlight yelling “Hello? Can I help you?” It was scary folks trust me! So anyhow we moved everything from the car to the tent, crawled in the car and locked the doors… haha. But it actually worked out because we then woke up a few hours later to lightening coming down and two sides of us, pouring rain, and flashing emergency lights on both sides on the campground for who knows what. So that was interesting/cool. We were glad we were in the car except that Joshua got a neck cramp. Bummer. Day four we will be seeing Rushmore, Crazy Hourse, Carhedge and staying in Nebraska. Love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. All of this makes me want to hit up Yellowstone next year. Michael is pushing for somewhere we've been less times, hmmmm...... LOVE Mt. Rushmore have fun! Krista
