Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 16: Florida

Today we got up and packed a little and then headed out for snorkeling. We were admiring all the fish around the reef when all of the sudden a large school of fish were swimming by Joshua. We were looking at that when the school not only kept going but got bigger. Suddenly there were fish swimming on both sides of Joshua and me and through us. They were hitting us. There were thousands... probably tens of thousands, swimming by. We both tucked in our arms and held still. I kept wondering where the end of them was but also was wondering what would be at the end and if they were running from something. When they finally finished we continued to swim around the reef. I got some water in my mouth so I came up for air and Joshua told me there was a big fish by us and to check it out when I went back under. So when I did sure enough there was this long skinny fish sitting still looking at us. Joshua grabbed me and I stood up and he said that he thought it was a barracuda. We got out of there quick and continued exploring. When I went back up on the shore Joshua saw three more. We looked up barracudas when we got back to the hotel and sure enough that is exactly what they looked like and the site said they are in the shallow shores of Florida. After snorkeling we met up with the whole family and had an afternoon picnic in the park. We barbecued franks and a variety of veggie burgers, and hung out for a few hours. We played a little frisbee and shot some video of the family. Also we tried to play tennis but it was so hot we were dripping sweat right away so that didn't work out so well. Watching all of the kids at the park was a lot of fun:) We went back to aunt Sherri's house and Danielle had gotten sugar free ice cream for us! Yummy. After that we said goodbye to everyone and finished packing. It might be slow on the videos for awhile because we will be on the road...will load more pics soon:)

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