Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Five Nebraska to Missouri

So we had to get up in the middle of the night last night because against our better judgment we decided not to put the rain tarp on even though there was lightening. So of course at midnight it starts pouring and we had to get out in the wind and try and put the rain fly on as wind debris and rain were pelting us. Then we had to get back in the tent and wipe down with our shirts. Silly us. We woke up at 5am again and this time made French press coffee real quick while breaking down camp and getting out of bug city. We began are second day of driving through Nebraska. There is nothing to see in Nebraska it turns out. Grass, cows, water, grass, cows, water. They did however have a lot of museums but we were in a hurry to make it to Missouri. We had an 8 hour drive, plus stops, plus a time change so we bypassed them all. There was one cool archway across the highway that is actually a museum as well, we got pics but did not stop. When we got through Nebraska we went through a tiny corner of Iowa and it was funny as soon as we left Nebraska there was instantly stuff to see again. The Missouri river had flooded and was up to the road and in the crops. We left Iowa and entered Missouri. We stayed at the Watkins Mill State park, which was very nice but absolutely empty of people and full of daddy long legs…. YIKES…. I was too afraid to set up the tent Joshua had to do it. Also it was VERY hot there. 92 at 10pm and so muggy you got sweaty right away. While in Missouri we visited Joshua’s old buddy from Junior High Jon Scott, his wife Tonya, sister Trish, and son Noah. We stayed with them a few hours and had a home cooked dinner … thank you Tonya. Josh and Jon got to catch up and compare how different they were from there teenage years. Praise God.