Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 12: Christmas

We really enjoyed this Christmas and all the time we have gotten to spend with family! On Sunday we went to Christmas Eve Eve service at Calvary and out to lunch with family. It was nice this year that they did services on both Sunday and Monday so we could go to moms church on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve day I babysat Mia all day so Joshua and Willie could go snowboarding. They had a blast and the kids were great so it worked out for all. Well, probably for all except Kaaryn who had to work.

That evening we attended Christmas Eve service at Grandma Barbs church. We had to go to the mothers room with both babies because Mia was fussy and Judah decided he was starving. After I got him settled to eat we went back out to service. Then during prayer while Grandma was holding him he decided to burp so loud that several people in the rows around us started laughing. One guy came up to us after service and told us that it was the highlight of the service. Oh my.

After service we had dinner back at my moms house and Joshua read The Night Before Christmas to the babies. A gift from Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill.

Christmas Morning!!!!!! Every year my family does a picture in front of the stockings. It was exciting to continue that tradition with Judah. 
Isn't he so cute with his stocking! We tried to get him to open one present but he is not ready yet.
 We got the best present from my sister and her family. They are moving to Seattle from California. We are all so excited and can not wait for the three of them to get here. I am very close with my siblings and all of our husbands are close as well. This is something we have hoped for, for a long time and cant believe it is finally happening!

We finished off the week with a game night with our friends Evan and Ali and their daughter Addie and with my cousin Abby's wedding.  We were excited for my cousins to get to meet Judah and I got to meet my cousin Gretchen's daughter Elke who was born two days after Judah. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures of everyone :(

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures....I love going on yours and Krista's blog..Now ya need to get Kaaryn to make one! Thanks for sharing....Cindy Willett
