Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 11: Snow

This has been a wonderful week for us. Judah got to see his very first snow. He was a little confused by it and of course to young to play.

Much to my enjoyment Judah has started napping more. But he is so funny he does not give any tired cues or have a set nap time. He will be playing and having a good time and then out.
This week I decided to try and give Judah a bath again. I had only done it once before and he cried and peed on me so we had switched to showers ever since then. Well now he loved and it and smiled at me and had a great time!
Judah and I also spent a lot of time shopping and wrapping presents. He even sent his own special ones to the Cooks in California.
We met up with the Fore's and Grandma Barb to go to Zoolights. I thought he would love looking at all the lights there but instead he was happy to be carried by mommy and went right to sleep.

Today we went to Christmas eve service at Calvary and out to lunch with family. Judah really liked when we sang silent night and lit candles! This afternoon Joshua and I decided to cheat and open a Christmas present early. Pretty soon Judah will be old enough to enjoy an early present as well!

 Kali has been really enjoying the Christmas pillows. Isn't she cute! The dogs continue to be great with Judah and have adjusted really well.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the post, Thanks for sharing...Judah sure is cute, can't believe how fast they grow....Have a wonderful Christmas...
    Cindy Willett (McVey)
