Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 13: It's a new year

Happy 2013!

We started the week attending a wedding shower for a long time friend from church. She has been living in London and is marring a guy from there so we made head pieces in honor of the British. Judah was a champ hanging out with all the ladies.

For New Years Eve we had my mom and the Fores over and played new games we got for Christmas. We were very happy to make it to Midnight!

Judah was rocking his super cute bathrobes this week. Although his ever growing belly is getting to big for them.
Judah practiced a lot of tummy time so he can use his big boy toys. We found unique ways to do tummy time!

 I decided that it was time to pull it together and start working out to get back in shape. Joshua and I did a lot of WII sport together!
And we finished off the week with church at Calvary. Judah was enjoying watching Pastor Ray on the big screen.

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