Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week Eight: Oh Christmas Tree

Once again this has been a very busy week for us and we are so excited for the holiday season. Which equals a large amount of photos in this blog!

Joshua finished getting all our lights up on the house and we were excited to see the neighbors around us take house lights as serious as us!

Our heat stopped working this week which made for a very cold house for Judah and I during the day. Judah wore his fuzzy slippers (I love his crossed feat) and snuggled in the blanket on the couch with the space heater on him! Luckily after having two different companies come out we found out it was just a clogged filter!

This week Kaaryn and I took the kids out shopping for their stockings. Grandma Barb is going to make nice ones for them but they wont be ready until next year so we picked up little ones.

                          (sorry so blurry, I took with my phone and he would not hold still!)

On Friday we had Joshua's company Christmas party at the Hyatt so thanks to Grandpa Rick we got our second date without Judah.

We took a trip to the mall so I could get a haircut and Joshua and Judah returned some clothes that were to small because he is growing so fast!

And lastly we cut and decorated our Christmas tree! Judah had all kinds of tree fun. We had him lay down to cut the tree with daddy, he got tangled in the lights, and he got to hang his very first ornament on the tree (he got a moose!)

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