Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week Ten: SANTA

 We finally got a picture of our serious boy smiling! Hooray these are for you Aunt Krista!

This week Judah got to go see Santa and his reindeer. Joshua said that he thinks people should take pictures of their kids sitting in Jesus's lap since Christmas is about him but no one is dressing up as Jesus so Santa will have to do. Judah and Mia got to take one together and some people thought they were twins which is funny because even though they are cousins they both look like their dads which means not like each other.
  Lets see what DO I want for Christmas?

Love the tights Mia Lou

Later after visiting Santa we met up with Joshua and Willie and went and looked at Christmas lights in Olympia. Some how we got very lucky and had two sleeping babies in the car the WHOLE trip!!!

Judah came to youth group again with us and enjoyed the worship. During the sermon he laid on the floor and slept the whole time. Which is great when you are a baby but not cool when you get older!

We tried at the Bjorn this week and went for a night time walk around our neighborhood looking at lights. Judah got wiped out by the end (before, during, after)

 Hanging out with Daddy

This past week marks Judah's Two Months! We had a great doctors visit where our lovely doctor called Judah a porker. Poor little buddy loves to eat but it all goes to his cheeks and tummy.


  1. Love seeing the pics and posts...I check your blog out every morning just like I do on Krista's, I have followed her blog since Tristan was born...Cindy Willett (McVey)

  2. my goal is to post weekly on sun or monday. Yes I look at Krista's every day too. Even if she just posted the day before :)
