Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 9: Let's party

Judah is really growing quick both in size and in development. He now weighs more then his cousin Mia. We figure out official weight next week at his two month appointment. He also smiles more, has more control of his head, plays with his hands, and is sleeping in his nursery!

Judah now reaches out to touch Echo's fur

During tummy time Judah did a full pushup but we only got a little one on camera. He wore himself out and fell asleep

Michael was in town for a business trip so we met up with him and the Fore's for sushi in Seattle. We were missing Krista and Tristan! Judah was thinking hard about what he wanted at Japonessa Sushi. 

On Friday we had our 5th Annual Couples Christmas party at our house. It is fun to watch everyone's families grow. We had 4 kids there and three more that will be born this year. We had great food and fun with Minute to Win It Christmas addition.

Candy cane Nutstacker

Rudolf the red nose reindeer

 Raelie and Alice

 Judah was very into David and ready for pictures!

 All tuckered out after a busy party

Finally we finished the week with church. Judah and Mia were a little fussy so we went in the parents room. Which meant Judah got to enjoy church while laying down and playing. Does it get any better for a baby?

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