Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 12: Christmas

We really enjoyed this Christmas and all the time we have gotten to spend with family! On Sunday we went to Christmas Eve Eve service at Calvary and out to lunch with family. It was nice this year that they did services on both Sunday and Monday so we could go to moms church on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve day I babysat Mia all day so Joshua and Willie could go snowboarding. They had a blast and the kids were great so it worked out for all. Well, probably for all except Kaaryn who had to work.

That evening we attended Christmas Eve service at Grandma Barbs church. We had to go to the mothers room with both babies because Mia was fussy and Judah decided he was starving. After I got him settled to eat we went back out to service. Then during prayer while Grandma was holding him he decided to burp so loud that several people in the rows around us started laughing. One guy came up to us after service and told us that it was the highlight of the service. Oh my.

After service we had dinner back at my moms house and Joshua read The Night Before Christmas to the babies. A gift from Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill.

Christmas Morning!!!!!! Every year my family does a picture in front of the stockings. It was exciting to continue that tradition with Judah. 
Isn't he so cute with his stocking! We tried to get him to open one present but he is not ready yet.
 We got the best present from my sister and her family. They are moving to Seattle from California. We are all so excited and can not wait for the three of them to get here. I am very close with my siblings and all of our husbands are close as well. This is something we have hoped for, for a long time and cant believe it is finally happening!

We finished off the week with a game night with our friends Evan and Ali and their daughter Addie and with my cousin Abby's wedding.  We were excited for my cousins to get to meet Judah and I got to meet my cousin Gretchen's daughter Elke who was born two days after Judah. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures of everyone :(

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 11: Snow

This has been a wonderful week for us. Judah got to see his very first snow. He was a little confused by it and of course to young to play.

Much to my enjoyment Judah has started napping more. But he is so funny he does not give any tired cues or have a set nap time. He will be playing and having a good time and then out.
This week I decided to try and give Judah a bath again. I had only done it once before and he cried and peed on me so we had switched to showers ever since then. Well now he loved and it and smiled at me and had a great time!
Judah and I also spent a lot of time shopping and wrapping presents. He even sent his own special ones to the Cooks in California.
We met up with the Fore's and Grandma Barb to go to Zoolights. I thought he would love looking at all the lights there but instead he was happy to be carried by mommy and went right to sleep.

Today we went to Christmas eve service at Calvary and out to lunch with family. Judah really liked when we sang silent night and lit candles! This afternoon Joshua and I decided to cheat and open a Christmas present early. Pretty soon Judah will be old enough to enjoy an early present as well!

 Kali has been really enjoying the Christmas pillows. Isn't she cute! The dogs continue to be great with Judah and have adjusted really well.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week Ten: SANTA

 We finally got a picture of our serious boy smiling! Hooray these are for you Aunt Krista!

This week Judah got to go see Santa and his reindeer. Joshua said that he thinks people should take pictures of their kids sitting in Jesus's lap since Christmas is about him but no one is dressing up as Jesus so Santa will have to do. Judah and Mia got to take one together and some people thought they were twins which is funny because even though they are cousins they both look like their dads which means not like each other.
  Lets see what DO I want for Christmas?

Love the tights Mia Lou

Later after visiting Santa we met up with Joshua and Willie and went and looked at Christmas lights in Olympia. Some how we got very lucky and had two sleeping babies in the car the WHOLE trip!!!

Judah came to youth group again with us and enjoyed the worship. During the sermon he laid on the floor and slept the whole time. Which is great when you are a baby but not cool when you get older!

We tried at the Bjorn this week and went for a night time walk around our neighborhood looking at lights. Judah got wiped out by the end (before, during, after)

 Hanging out with Daddy

This past week marks Judah's Two Months! We had a great doctors visit where our lovely doctor called Judah a porker. Poor little buddy loves to eat but it all goes to his cheeks and tummy.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 9: Let's party

Judah is really growing quick both in size and in development. He now weighs more then his cousin Mia. We figure out official weight next week at his two month appointment. He also smiles more, has more control of his head, plays with his hands, and is sleeping in his nursery!

Judah now reaches out to touch Echo's fur

During tummy time Judah did a full pushup but we only got a little one on camera. He wore himself out and fell asleep

Michael was in town for a business trip so we met up with him and the Fore's for sushi in Seattle. We were missing Krista and Tristan! Judah was thinking hard about what he wanted at Japonessa Sushi. 

On Friday we had our 5th Annual Couples Christmas party at our house. It is fun to watch everyone's families grow. We had 4 kids there and three more that will be born this year. We had great food and fun with Minute to Win It Christmas addition.

Candy cane Nutstacker

Rudolf the red nose reindeer

 Raelie and Alice

 Judah was very into David and ready for pictures!

 All tuckered out after a busy party

Finally we finished the week with church. Judah and Mia were a little fussy so we went in the parents room. Which meant Judah got to enjoy church while laying down and playing. Does it get any better for a baby?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week Eight: Oh Christmas Tree

Once again this has been a very busy week for us and we are so excited for the holiday season. Which equals a large amount of photos in this blog!

Joshua finished getting all our lights up on the house and we were excited to see the neighbors around us take house lights as serious as us!

Our heat stopped working this week which made for a very cold house for Judah and I during the day. Judah wore his fuzzy slippers (I love his crossed feat) and snuggled in the blanket on the couch with the space heater on him! Luckily after having two different companies come out we found out it was just a clogged filter!

This week Kaaryn and I took the kids out shopping for their stockings. Grandma Barb is going to make nice ones for them but they wont be ready until next year so we picked up little ones.

                          (sorry so blurry, I took with my phone and he would not hold still!)

On Friday we had Joshua's company Christmas party at the Hyatt so thanks to Grandpa Rick we got our second date without Judah.

We took a trip to the mall so I could get a haircut and Joshua and Judah returned some clothes that were to small because he is growing so fast!

And lastly we cut and decorated our Christmas tree! Judah had all kinds of tree fun. We had him lay down to cut the tree with daddy, he got tangled in the lights, and he got to hang his very first ornament on the tree (he got a moose!)