Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week 25: Happy Easter

This week has been one of the busiest weeks we have had so far. Joshua is still off of work so he got to spend more time with Judah. On Monday they both went and visited Joshua's old worksite to wrap up a few things. Judah dressed like daddy ready for work! 

On Friday we hung out with some friends for dinner and games. Judah is usually so good at sleeping anywhere we didn't bother to bring a Pack & Play for him and the poor little guy couldn't sleep and stayed up fidgeting around until 1130pm, although he was enjoying hanging out with everyone playing games. On Saturday we got together with our friends Jen and Jason Paul and went to Elbe to go shooting. 

Afterward we went to our friends Shane and Angela's to celebrate their son Samuals 1st birthday.

And we finished the week Celebrating our Saviors Resurrection. Judah got spoiled with gifts from family and a Easter egg hunt at Grandma Barbs.

 We finished the day trying to take the grandkids photo without much success. First Judah fell down.

 Then Mia got sun in her eyes and started crying.

So we tried just the boys and Judah could not muster any joy. Tristan was such a trooper with his smile ready to go. Guess we will have to wait until next year for the other two. 

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