Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 23: Poor sick boy

On Sunday Judah started to cough a little and I was thinking here we go again another cold. But then when I got home on Monday his cold had developed into wheezing and labored breathing. I decided to take him to urgent care. This is Judah entertaining himself with his Giraffe cousin Gretchen made for him. We unfortunately were there for three hours so he had a lot of time to play.

We found out that his oxygen level was a little low and he had a virus in his lungs. The doctor gave us a breathing treatment for him and sent us home with a nebulizer to give to him 3-4 times a day. It's a cute little panda.

Tuesday night Judah woke up all night coughing a lot and then Wednesday morning he started coughing and choking. We checked his temp and he had a slight one of 100.7. Joshua stayed home and took him back to the doctor. They tested him and we found out our poor boy has RSV. Which is very common but risky in infant to turn into pneumonia or bronchitis. Luckily Judah does not have a bad case and we just have to monitor him, give him treatments and try and make him comfortable.

Joshua had his last day on the bridge on friday and now is waiting a week or so to see where his company is going to place him next. So we decided to use our tax return to replace our nasty living room carpet with laminate wood. Since Judah was feeling a little better I dressed him up in work clothes too.

For Saint Patricks day Joshua got up and made me green pancakes like my parents used too. 

Happy Saint Patricks day!

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