Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 24: Hanging with Daddy

Joshua found out he is going to have the next 3-4 weeks off before his new job starts so he got to stay home and spend the whole week with Judah. Which is great because he is learning new things all the time! This week he started rolling over regularly, he figured out how to take his pacifier out and put it back in, and is way more responsive to items/toys around around him. He also ate bananas, and prunes for the first time this week. 

Judah spent a lot of time hanging out while Joshua continued to redo the floors. 

 Joshua made Judah earmuffs to block out the noise

Judah is now wiggling and moving a lot more. I found him like this when I got out of the shower. He had almost completely wiggled himself out of his chair and onto the floor.

He also tried to sit in the cart at Local Boys but was not completely able to hold himself up :)

 On Sunday we had a date day and went to the Bonsai Gardens

 Judah decided that Sophia wanted to help hold up his bottle

After the Bonsai Gardens, Joshua and I went bowling. 
Here is some flash backs to our honeymoon bowling trip

We finsiehed the night with Grandpa Rick's Birthday.

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