Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 26: Spring Break Camping

This past week was my Spring Break and lucky for Judah and I, Joshua got one more week off of work. So we decided to go camping in the Olympics. We had to wake up this little cowboy to get an early start. 

We were camping at the Dungeness Spit Park. It was weird setting up camp with the extra baby gear this year. Joshua loves the beach so we headed out for a 11 mile hike on the beach to the end of the spit and back. It was a very long 11 miles that took about 5 hours. Judah was a trooper in the pack until about the last hour when the sun was going down and he was hungry!

We finally made it to the lighthouse at the end! Judah is still in the pack.

That night we were very cold and poor Judah kept waking up. As we were laying in bed in the morning I was playing on my phone and saw our friends were camping in Yakima and it was going to be 70 degrees. We looked at our weather and it was going to be 60 degrees and raining. That sealed the deal and we packed up and made the six hour drive to join them in Yakima. They found a great spot on the river on DNR land. We were thrilled to join them.

Can you beat a fire right by the river!? And a toddler to entertain your child. This is vacation.

Charlotte investigated Judah's shoe
Judah paid her back by holding on to her feet. Since Charlotte is three months older she is a lot more mobile then Judah. She would crawl all over him and then get mad when he grabbed her. So cute watching them play. 

The only bad thing about Yakima is it got just as cold at night. We bundled the babies up by the fire to keep them warm.

That night we put Judah in gloves, a hat, two pajamas, two sleep sacks, socks and wrapped in a blanket. When he woke up he was nice and warm and not happy with me when I undressed him to change his diaper in the 45 degree morning chill. 

 The second day we were there we decided to walk along the DNR land. We saw lots of different hunting ground along the way. We found a great flat area by the river and realized we should have packed lunches but luckily the kids had snacks.

 What a great week:)

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