Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week Three: Our pumpkin went to the patch

Pumpkin patch: Judah was sporting his cute little outfit thanks to Grandma Barb. We took advantage of the small window without rain and went to spooner farm with the Fores. Judah fell asleep in the car and then was so cold he just kept his little eyes closed and body curled the entire time. Maybe next year he will actually look around and notice he is at the pumpkin patch.

Judah discovered his thumb this week. This baby pretty much always wants to have something soothing him whenever he is up. Good thing we got a ton of pacifiers

Judah was still sick this week with a stuffy nose so I took him back to the doctors. They said he does not have anything wrong except a cold so we should just keep giving him saline nose drops. I let him hang out in his jammies all day that day cause he just sounded so miserable and looked so comfortable.

Books, Books, Books: We read a lot of books this week and got some skin to skin time with Daddy

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