Monday, November 5, 2012

Week Four: Trick or Treat

We got to experience our first with Trick or Treaters this year. We have moved to a big neighborhood and had a ton of kids stop by. I only bought enough candy to last an hour, I will have to get more next year! Judah was a trooper and slept through everyone ringing the bell. So I just held him in my arms and answered the door with him. I dont know why my son sleeps through all Holiday activities. Ha

I tried bathing Judah in the sink and he did not like it but we discovered he LOVES showering. So now that is his and daddies special time.

This week we made a sign for Cousin Mia so she can get some sleep and stop any trick or treaters or solicitors from coming by.

Lastly Joshua and I went on our first date without our little love. Joshua took me to Wicked for my birthday. It was so awesome and I managed to be away from Judah without checking in too many times.

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