Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week Two: Getting the swing of things!

Because Judah has been having such a hard time sleeping at night Joshua used $ Grandma Shadle sent us to buy him a swing! He loves it in here and it has been a huge help for me to be able to put him down! 

This week we had Judah's first doctors appointment, a lactation appointment, and his circumcision. So we really got to practice loading up the car seat and supplies this week!

His appointments went well. He lost a little weight as to be expected but everything looked good. The circumcision was scary for me but he handled it like a champ. Dr. Grubb gave us a little trick and dipped his pacifier in sugar water for him.

Lactation appointment also went well. I do not produce enough milk so we have to supplement and the specialist gave me tricks for that. Judah however did not like the special tube we were using and made a huge mess of himself so we have stopped using that!

Judah got a bad cold this week and I was lucky enough to get one of his darling sneezes on camera! Unfortunately he is so stuffed up he can not lay flat so he has spent a lot of time sleeping in our bed or on the couch with me. He is loving it but it sure does not make for a good nights sleep for us.

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