Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 9

Joshua got presented an award for his production last year. We are so thankful for how blessed we were by clients who were willing to use him for such and important decision in their lives!
 Judah is obsessed with character Band aids. He has "princess" superheros and starwars. he is constantly looking for owies on me, Joshua, or himself so he can use one. Joshua was the lucky winner of Anna.
 Judah is such a funny kid. He cracks us up copying everything we do and he has silly sayings. He loves putting chap stick on and calling it his medicine. He is obsessed with calling Joshua his "Joshua Meeks Daddy". he loves to whisper "I need to tell you something... you are pretty" Such a sweet boy
 We had a sunny day this week so we went to the park! Ember got to go swinging for the first time!

 Judah is busy with Y classes in gymnastics and soccer. He loves practicing his balancing.

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