Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 8

 We had a busy week. We attended a funeral of a dear family friend and a wedding as well. The kids were great during both.
Judah is starting preschool soon so I decided it was finally time to force the potty training on judah. We had a three day potty party with lots of snacks, drinks, little activities and prizes every 30 min and success. Judah is potty trained!!!!!
I have also started working on Judah on doing daily chores. He has some that he does just to be a good family member and some he can do to earn money.
Judah gets a monthly activity crate as our birthday present for him. The last one was a transportation kit and I used it to make a big road map. Judah loves it for all his legos and even lets his sister play somtimes.

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