Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 11

Sweet baby girl Ember is 10 months old! Eek I just realized I need to start planning her 1st birthday.
I got to take the kids to NW trek on a day off. We are sure making good use of that season pass @Hanson's.
Joshua has continued to be busy with Real Estate. he loves having new challenges each day!

Week 10

This was a big week for us. I finished the second round of 21 day fix and decided to sign up to be a coach. I am nervous to be taking on a new task in addition to working part time and caring after my two kiddos but I am excited to share my successes on the program with the others. Joshua has decided to join me in doing P90x3. 90 days of working out and portion control. Wish us luck!

Judah has been enjoying his classes at the Y. He is currently taking gymnastics and soccer.

Judah also got to start preschool this week at my old high school. The students teach the class

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 9

Joshua got presented an award for his production last year. We are so thankful for how blessed we were by clients who were willing to use him for such and important decision in their lives!
 Judah is obsessed with character Band aids. He has "princess" superheros and starwars. he is constantly looking for owies on me, Joshua, or himself so he can use one. Joshua was the lucky winner of Anna.
 Judah is such a funny kid. He cracks us up copying everything we do and he has silly sayings. He loves putting chap stick on and calling it his medicine. He is obsessed with calling Joshua his "Joshua Meeks Daddy". he loves to whisper "I need to tell you something... you are pretty" Such a sweet boy
 We had a sunny day this week so we went to the park! Ember got to go swinging for the first time!

 Judah is busy with Y classes in gymnastics and soccer. He loves practicing his balancing.

Week 8

 We had a busy week. We attended a funeral of a dear family friend and a wedding as well. The kids were great during both.
Judah is starting preschool soon so I decided it was finally time to force the potty training on judah. We had a three day potty party with lots of snacks, drinks, little activities and prizes every 30 min and success. Judah is potty trained!!!!!
I have also started working on Judah on doing daily chores. He has some that he does just to be a good family member and some he can do to earn money.
Judah gets a monthly activity crate as our birthday present for him. The last one was a transportation kit and I used it to make a big road map. Judah loves it for all his legos and even lets his sister play somtimes.

Week 7

This week our little baby doll turned 9 months.
We celebrated Valentines day at a Cabin with the Fores in Winthrop. The kids had a blast playing in the snow and playing with their cousins.

This was also a very exciting week for me personally because I had completed the first round of 21 day fix beachbody and lost 7 pounds and 7inches. It felt great when I put on my snow pants which I had to leave unbuttoned a few weeks ago and they fit!

Week 5

This week Joshua took some time off of work to have a day trip to Mt. Rainier. Judah loved it and Ember hated it. She was cold, wet and tired.

Week 6

This week we met up with Grandma Barb and went to the Children's museum. No pics because sadly my phone went for a swim with Ember in the bath.

We finished the week celebrating the Superbowl and Tristan's birthday.

Hopefully I will get a new phone and have more pics soon!

Here is some of sweet Judah and Ember playing together. 

Week 4

Ember continues to change rapidly. The other day she ate a piece of dog food, crawled out the back door while I was trying to let the dogs in, climbed two stairs while I was getting her brother up from a nap, and dumped over the bathroom trash!! AHH baby proof the house time.

We went on an adventure in the rain to Northwest Trek. The male and female moose were close to the tram! My favorite and then we stopped by some of my students basketball game. Joshua continues to be busy with work and got the opportunity to talk about how he integrates his faith into his real estate business on the radio!

Joshua and I got to go on a date from my Christmas present. Snow shoeing, gondola ride, and lunch ontop the mountain at Crystal. It was an amazing day.