Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week 28

Judah and Ember got a post card from Nana and Papa in Arizona. Judah was excited to see the "buggy" on the front. He continues to crack us up with new sayings and words we did not know. Lately it has been "I heard that" for every noise he hears :)

On Tuesday we went to the Calvary jam at the park. Ember decided she was very hungry and wanted to eat the whole time. Luckily my friend Sara was there and helped with Judah. He decided he needed the same bunny on his face that Ra had.

Thursday we went camping again with our small group. Embers first trip to the beach! She continued to do great camping. She sleeps a ton and is a happy girl when up as long as she is fed.
 Outside of Newport "Mo's"
Tillamook Factory Tour

On the way home our tire blew on the tent trailer and no one was open to fix it. Luckily it blew right by a RV park so we parked it there and then the lady there said she wanted it so we gave it to her. Can't believe we are done with it after 30 years!
This week Ember reached her two months! Because we were camping we had to delay her appointment so we will have her stats next week.

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