Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week 27

Ember got to go on her first camping trip. We went with the Hoffmans to Granite Falls.Ember was great sleeping a ton and being a happy girl. Judah loved being outside and having the river near by but he got very sick and we had to take him to a walk in clinic because he had so much junk coming out his eyes. He was a trooper though!
When we got back from camping Ember talked to Judah for the first time ever on July 1st and slept in her own bedroom. She did great

For 4th of July we did nothing. Joshua and I both caught Judah's cold so we went to bed early and played online rummy in bed. Officially old! However on Sunday we did go to a BBQ at the Fore's house and Judah had a blast in the pool.

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