Saturday, July 4, 2015

Week 25

This week we got a year Zoo and North West trek year membership as a gift and were very excited to use it. First we went to the Zoo.We got Judah a seed stick to feed the birds and one flapped up right in his face. He screamed and dropped it. Guess he wasn't ready.

 Judah was super thrifty in the goat area. I had no money to buy goat feed so he just picked up pebbles kids have dropped. How crazy does this goat look. Ember thought so too!
We went to Emerald Downs for our annual Fathers day celebration. And for once Joshua and I won some races!

 Judah and Mia loved watching the horses and cheering. They especially liked getting Ice cream.
On Fathers day we used our pass again and went to North West Trek. Judah again loved the ice cream. How spoiled this week!
 At are small group Rae wanted to hold Ember. She still needs a bit more practice. Haha
 Judah continues to learn new things and empress us all the time. he suprises us with words he knows and connections he makes!

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