Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 23

It continued to be nice this week. We went on a nice family walk on the trails in out neighborhood. We are trying to get out and teach Judah new things. He surprises us with things he knows all the time. Like the other day I made a star for him out of play doh and he started singing twinkle twinkle. I am guessing that one is from child care. He also has started talking about spider man and dragon everyday. I found out he plays spider man with another boy at child care but we have no idea where the dragon came from but he talks about it all the time. Because of this I decided to make a dragon with him at home. He likes to fly it around yelling "whoosh don't fly away"

This week we also had Judah's dance recital. My friends took pictures and video but I do not have those yet so I will post those later when I get them.  I do have him ready for it and Joshua holding cousin Evie who came to watch.

 We finished the week in Seattle celbrating Willi and Krista's birthday.

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