Tuesday, June 16, 2015

week 21

 This week I took Judah to get a hair cut, surprised daddy at work and got to visit with his co-workers. Judah discovered the car cart which is a new world for this mom of two. Why are those so hard to drive?
 Joshua got an evening off to go to the opening of the spray park. We almost didn't make it because Ember threw up in her car seat on the way out. I was overwhelmed to change her, clean the car seat, give her more food and still make it there to meet Joshua. But Joshua really wanted to do something fun so I got it done. Ember has been throwing up about every other day which has been a challenging adjustment! Judah had a blast at the park so I am glad we made it.

We finished the week at the Memorial day weekend sale for the old canery. I was excited about free food and Judah was excited about looking at the trains and getting a balloon animal. Ember was excited to be snuggled in the Ergo.
Ember is doing pretty great getting out on adventures and sleeping but struggles with being awake and happy. She does not like to be put down. The only spot other the our arms that she is happy is in the swing. We will have to see how long that lasts for this cute little bug. 
(yes this is a Christmas blanket but it is so soft we use it all year)

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