Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 22

This week Grandma Barb was finally home from her trip so she got to meet Ember. We met up at the spray park because it was nice out. However Judah did not want to have anything to do with the water. He even cried when I tried to change him out of sweats into shorts because he thought I was going to make him go in.
 Judah got a new Elmo doll given to him this week so he thought it was pretty cool to watch Elmo while holding him. At the end of the week we got to go see Tristan play baseball and celebrate Krista's birthday early. Judah was so excited to watch Tristan play. He sure loves him!
We have been enjoying this nice weather and Judah spends a lot of time outside in his pool and playing with bubbles. Ember is still doing good with sleeping. She only gets up once a night.

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