Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 27: Happy Half Birthday

Our sweet Judah is 6 months! I can not believe half a year has gone by. It seems just the other day I was so anxious for him to come. This is from my last journal entry before Judah came to us.

"Hello my sweet little love. I made it a few more days with you in my tummy. I am so anxious for you to get here and hold you in my arms.  I pray for you often and hope you are safe. I am happy that you are going to be an October baby. I sure love this month and I love you."

We sure love this boy with all our hearts and he is a true joy. 

So our big news of the week is Joshua finished with his last class he has to attend for his bachelors! He picked up his graduation cap and gown and his Honors cords. I am so proud of him. 

Because he is done with school we actually have some extra family time which is great! We went on two walks this week. One in the neighborhood and one at Wildwood park. Judah tried to eat Joshua's seeds. 

We have decided to start teaching Judah sign language. Joshua and I have both wanted to learn for a long time so this is a great opportunity. We got our resources in the mail this week and I am so excited. We are starting with Mom, Dad, Milk, Eat, and Up. We will let you know how it goes!

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