Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 20: Playtime with Daddy

This week was a relativity uneventful week for the Meeks household. Joshua was very busy with work and school (as usual) so Judah and I cherished his time at home. He worked 12 hours on Saturday but lucky for us he did not start his shift until noon so we got in a family walk.
Getting ready for the walk. The shoes are just soo cute!

And on Sunday we got to spend the whole day together. Of course Joshua had to do his homework and I had to plan guidance lessons for work but we were pleased to do it together. We took time to play with Judah and he got to try a new food, Avacado.

While this past week was uneventful for us it was VERY eventful for the Fores. On Monday I had the day off so I watched Mia. Unfortunately she was very sick that day and could not keep anything down. She had to go to Children's hospital that night and stayed for the next two days trying to get rehydrated and over the flu. Just when they were getting released on Wednesday Kaaryn caught the flu from Mia. But now they are all recovering and doing well!

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