Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 19 Happy Valentines Day

On Valentines day Joshua had work and school so I did not even get to see him until 11pm However this little cutie showed me plenty of love.

And Joshua spoiled me with roses and gifts left as a surprise when I got home from work. We usually dont give gifts and instead go on a weekend get away. However this year we had to postpone it because of his work.

On Friday I had the day off of work and it was the grand opening of the bridge Joshua has been working on. So the three of us went down and listened to the governor and mayor speak. It was neat to have Joshua point out different things he built on the bridge and see his work enjoyed by others.
On Saturday Joshua stayed home with Judah so I could go shopping for some new clothes. I still had gift cards from my birthday in August and from Christmas because I have just been too busy. My boys decided to take a nap on the couch while I was out.
Krista, Michael, and Tristan arrived on Saturday so Kaaryn, Mia, Judah and I went up for lunch to welcome them here! We got to see their new house and visit.

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