Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 16: work, work, work

The time has finally come that I had to return to work. I thought I was going to be a mess but I actually handled it well. Lucky me I have great babysitters in my mom, dad, and a nanny. Here is my smiley boy my first day back. 

Joshua is also very busy at work this week. He has a lot of overtime because the bridge he is working on opens this week. On Sunday Judah and I got to attend Kaaryn and Willie's nephews baptism. So excited for Luke. Judah got worn out at church and feel asleep.

 After church we headed up to the Fries house to celebrate the baptism. Audrey wanted to hold Judah even though he is about half her size. She is convinced he is her cousin because Mia is her cousin and Judah's. So cute.

Krista, Micahel, and Tristan were up this weekend house shopping for their move so we got to hang out one night.

Judah is practicing to feed himself! Hoping it catches on soon. 

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