Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week Five: Auntie K is here!


 Krista came to visit us this week which was fantastic! We got to do lots of fun activities with her here. Luckily we had beautiful weather all week so we got to go for a lot of walks!

We also spent time with Kaaryn, Willie, and Mia. Judah got tired at the Fores house so we borrowed Mia's vibrating chair and blanket. Real men like pink right?

We also did a lot of dining out this week. Judah was excellent at the restaurants. We went to the Original Pancake House and I had the most delicious coconut pancakes. I would highly recommend them.

This week is one of our favorites every year! PRE SELECTION CHRISTMAS TREE
We got to go twice this year. We went opening weekend with Krista and picked out a tree and then went back the next weekend with Grandma Barb and the Fore's to pick out their trees. Also since Joshua was in the Christmas mood he got started hanging up our lights. Don't worry, we wont turn them on until after Thanksgiving. Joshua just thought it would be nice to get them up while we still had decent weather.


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